Thursday, May 26, 2011

T-Ball Party

Harrison has only 1 game left in the T-ball season, so we went ahead and had their Team Party on Wednesday night. It also worked out to have it then since some of us are headed out on vacation next week for Memorial Day. We met the team at a local Wendy's. The staff was super nice and even cheered after the team got their trophies.

Coach Bro was awesome and said some of the best things about each player as he presented their trophy to them. He said that Harrison had a lot of heart and played with a lot of determination.

Proud ballplayer with his trophy

"Look, Caitlin!"

Harrison and his great coach. Coach Bro and his wife, Kim, even made a slideshow of the season's highlights and gave each boy a copy of it. We were very lucky to get on a team with such a wonderful coach!

I'm so proud of you, Harrison. I love to watch you play ball!

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