Monday, May 16, 2011

Always on my Mind

May is one of our super-busy months at the Hollingsworth House. It seems as if every.single.night we have something to do whether it be Dance, T-ball, spring football, PTA meeting, church, etc. However through all of the "busyness" this year, I have had something on my mind that I just can't shake: the tornado damage. But this is what I see as I drive to school each and every morning...

and along with seeing this damage plus more each day, I have a sweet little girl in my care who lost her house and most of her possessions. Granted, she is not worried about the baby pictures and handprinted coffee mugs and wedding mementos that were lost, but she misses her favorite teddy bear and her class t-shirt. I am trying to do all I can just to make sure she has one stable place in her life.
So even though I have so much to worry about in my own life right now, I just can't stop crying and praying for all the people whose lives were torn apart on Wednesday, April 27.

1 comment:

A Wife and a Teacher said...

We went to mom and dad's last weekend and help clean up in their neighborhood, The damage is overwhelming. I cry every time looking at the pictures and hearing all the amazing stories. I will say extra prayers for the little girl in your class.