Friday, June 18, 2010

Celebrating with Harrison

On Wednesday morning, Randy and I were awakened by a sweet, little voice telling us that it was his birthday today and we needed to get up!
Harrison did just like his sister and picked doughnuts to eat for his birthday breakfast.

Blowing out the candle on his birthday doughnut

Then it was on to presents. He couldn't wait!

Daddy got him this New England Patriots jersey to match his own. Pretty cool they have a player named Harrison!

The best gift of all!!

He had to try it out right then and there!
After playing with his new toys and riding his bike down the street, it was time to get ready to meet Ma-Ma and Pa-Pa for our annual birthday ice cream.

Harrison and Ma-Ma waiting patiently for their ice cream.

Caitlin enjoyed her 10th ice cream!

Caitlin and Harrison with Ma-Ma and Pa-Pa at "their" Dairy Queen.
Harrison then picked swimming for his birthday activity, so off we went to the pool. No pictures, however, because in all our rush to get out the door I left the camera on the kitchen counter! And he even went off the diving board for the very first time!! Oh well, I'll just have to document that milestone next time we are at the pool.

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