Sunday, May 9, 2010

Busy, Busy Day!

On Saturday I barely had time to breathe!
It started by cooking a big breakfast for my family plus 1.

Caitlin had her friend, Shelby, over Friday for a sleepover.
Then it was off to the mall for some retail therapy. We then met my friend, Laura, for lunch. She was in town visiting for the weekend. Caitlin and I took Shelby home, stopped to get a birthday present for Harrison's friend, Alex, and then went to the bowling alley for his party.

This was the only picture I could get of the birthday boy!

Showing off those muscles he uses to make the high score! He had to wear his T-ball uniform to the party because we had to leave early to make it to his game at Palmer Park.

And he had a great game!
Then it was off to the Secret Keeper Girl event at church with my favorite baby girl.
WhOoOo...I was so tired that I fell into bed with Caitlin at 10:00!!!

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