Sunday, May 24, 2009

Congratulations Joe and Lawren!!

On Saturday, we got to celebrate a happy occasion with our good friends, Joe and Lawren--their marriage! Randy has known Joe since they started Huntsville High together in 9th grade. I became good friends with him during my days at Auburn--we had weekly 90210 get-togethers. We then had the pleasure of meeting his dream girl last year after he fell madly in love with her. Randy was honored to serve as an usher in their beautiful Spring wedding at Church of the Nativity. (I was busy serving as Stage Mom to our Dancing Queen!) Then, as a family, we attended the reception at Monte Sano Lodge.

The happy couple

Lawren wore her mother's wedding gown. Isn't she beautiful in it?

Dancing the night away with my little man!! Caitlin is in the background with her "Uncle Mike." He has always been her favorite out of all of Randy's friends because he treats her extra special. Tonight was no exception!

My children were the first ones in line for wedding cake! My friend, Jolie, joked that we must not feed our children because Caitlin was first in line for the buffet line as well.

This is what happened on the way back to our table--our friend, Bryan, stole her piece of cake!! Luckily for him, she knows how to share! Bryan was Randy's first college roommate at Jacksonville State University as well as a high school buddy.
It was a lot of fun seeing friends who we don't get to spend time with on a regular basis, and it's always fun to celebrate such a happy occasion as a new marriage!

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