Saturday, August 18, 2012

Recap of July

Well, I guess I had so much fun this summer that I just didn't have time for blogging!
That's my excuse, anyway, and I'm sticking to it!!
So to recap what we did for the rest of July...
 Here we are waiting on Daddy to get out to the car so we can go see Spiderman: 3D.

Caitlin and Harrison participated in Camp Winshape at our church, and we got to visit them on Friday to see what they had been doing all week.
It was Chick-fil-a day, and if you dressed as a cow you got a free meal.
We played in the sprinkler a lot since it was so hot, but look who had the most fun!
Caitlin and I baked cupcakes. We found this cute project on Pinterest and just had to make them!
Caitlin had Visitors' Day at ballet, and we got to see her in action in her new pointe shoes.
And our favorite activity???
This was Harrison's first summer to jump off the diving board.
So that's why I haven't been on the computer...I've been a little busy with my family!

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