Saturday, December 5, 2009

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow

This morning we woke up to SNOW!!!! It was only a dusting, but here in Alabama that counts! I had woken up at 5:00 to give Harrison another dose of his pain medicine when I noticed how bright it looked outside. I threw open the curtains, and saw the white stuff covering our grass! I laid in bed until Randy got up and noticed it. We then looked out our windows and marvelled that it had actually snowed in December! FiNaLlY...Caitlin came downstairs open-mouthed and begged and begged to go out and play in it. She and I bundled up and headed out into the backyard.

Me and my cutie-pie!

Brady didn't really know what to think of it all!

Throwing a snowball at me!

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