Saturday, January 3, 2009

Out to Eat

We have very special friends, Donna and Charlton, who happen to live in Gadsden which sometimes seems like a world away. We try to get together with them a few times a year. We have even been on vacation with them to Gulf Shores which is a LOT of fun. They have two girls who are great friends with Caitlin and Harrison. They all play well together and have so much fun wherever we are! One of our favorite places to meet is Top 'o the River in Guntersville because that is halfway between Madison and Gadsden. It also helps that they serve delicious seafood! We met up with them tonight and almost ended up closing the restaurant down, we stayed there so long! It's always nice to take time out of our busy schedules to visit with people that mean a lot to us.

Katie, Harrison, Caitlin, and Anna Beth strike a pose!

Anna Beth and Caitlin stop their silliness for a second to pose
for the camera!

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